Page 7 - ekofull eylül_yeni.indd
P. 7

In many European countries, leading Türkiye, energy
            forms the basis of the agenda. In particular, the                  AYLIK İŞ DÜNYASI VE EKONOMİ DERGİSİ
            ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has adversely               MONTHLY BUSINESS AND ECONOMY MAGAZINE
            affected the energy sector as well as food. Although                         ISSN 2791-8777
            states are trying to find solutions to the economic
            bottleneck experienced after the pandemic, it is obvious            Eylül September 2022 / Sayı Number  5
            that not enough concrete steps have been taken for
            energy. Although many countries see restricting energy
            use as a solution, the scale of the work is actually quite                  Yayıncı Publisher
            large. The world is taking some steps for renewable                     Baykut Medya Baykut Media
            energy, but it is not enough for the business world.
                                                                                   İmtiyaz Sahibi Concessionaire
            Taking into account the developments at the global                           İbrahim Baykut
            level, including the recent trend in crude oil and
            natural gas prices, the outlook of the energy sector in            Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Executive Editor
            Türkiye and its potential trends in the coming period                       Ömer Faruk Kenger
            were discussed at the recent meeting of the Economic
            Coordination Board (EKK). Details of the meeting were                 Yazı İşleri Müdürü Editor-in-Chief
            not shared, but energy is one of the most important                           Sonay Baykut
            agenda items for Türkiye.
                                                                                           Editör Editor
            It is important for business people to take important                          Niyazi Kara
            steps to combat the negative effects caused by the
            limited energy resources and the increasing effects of                       Tasarım Design
            climate change on the economy day by day. In today’s                          Karaca
            world where effective and correct use of renewable
            energy sources is critical; The steps to be taken to                    Yayın Kurulu Editorial Board
            support projects aimed at bringing domestic energy                            Nureddin Dal
            resources to the economy are extremely important.                            Av. Özkan Muslu
                                                                                         Av. Ahmet Zor
            If the targets of increasing Türkiye’s energy supply and
            reducing the use of fossil fuels and reducing foreign
            dependence on energy are aimed, studies should be                       Yayın Türü Publication Type
            started as soon as possible.
                                                                                Ulusal Süreli Yayın National Periodicals
            Since 2002, with the growing economy and growing                      Yönetim Merkezi Headquarters
            population, the basic energy supply has doubled.
            Türkiye increased its capacity to 95.9 GW and ranked                 Yenişehir Mah. 74018 Sokak No:17/3
            11th for the period 2019-2023. As stated in the                        Dulkadiroğlu / Kahramanamaraş
            Development Plan, it is aimed to reach 110 GW by                             0543 694 54 02
            2023. It is worth mentioning once again that sufficient           
            steps have not been taken with the awareness that
            Türkiye is a net energy importer country.                               Baskı / Cilt Printing/Binding
                                                                                M GRUP Matbaacılık M GROUP Printing
            Türkiye ranks 4th in natural gas consumption and
            5th in energy consumption in Europe. Considering all              Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 8. Cad. No: 7 Kayseri
            these, investments for renewable energy sources should            Organized Industrial Zone 8. Street No: 7 Kayseri
            be paved and supports should be put into operation in
            this area.

            The Republic of Türkiye ensures that investors benefit
            from other supports for renewable energy sources,
            except for interest or dividend support in the 4th, 5th       Ekofull Dergisi Baykut Medya tarafından Türkiye Cumhuriyeti yasalarına uygun olarak
            and 6th regions. It is expected that these supports will      yayımlanmaktadır. Dergi içeriği, yazılı izin olmaksızın hiçbir şekilde alıntı yapılamaz,
            be increased and contribute to the competitiveness of                yayınlanamaz. İlanların sorumluğu ilan sahibine aittir.
            investors.                                                       Ekofull Magazine is published by Baykut Media in accordance with the laws of the
                                                                         Republic of Turkey. The content of the journal cannot be quoted or published in anyway without
                                                                           written permission. The responsibility of the advertisements belongs to the advertiser.
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